There was a march for refugees – the theme was ‘refugees are welcome here’. We were there to show solidarity and asking never-listening government for better policies.
Jackie left a few days ago, before she left I invited her to come with me but she wanted to visit a church instead. She talked about how hard it’s to leave him behind and how much she cried last time when she said ‘goodbye’. I said your son is here by choose for a better life. You can come to visit anytime you want. But those people have to leave everything behind; no sacred possessions remain with them, not a single peace of memory they can drag alongside of hem. All they have or want is to have those who they love. Maybe they were lucky enough to escape altogether or at least not alone.
They’re leaving a life behind which may not seem worthy enough to many, but it’s a life after all. The worst of all, not knowing if your loved ones or comrades made it like you did is beyond painful and above any human strength. I kept thinking about the child who was found on the shore dead. I thought about his mother and wish that she is dead too, if not, she will be dead soon.
I never thought of the story that way, I read so much and know so little. it’s- they are- commonly called refugee crises now, and yes, they all are, and only, became a number to me, and to us all as they say as it’s planned. I don’t know what they did to deserve this for the way god is punishing them in his own sadistic and unjust way. Has he ever been anything other than a deep rich lover , poor hater? you know my answer.
I called him ‘he’ cause I don’t think he could be a woman and doing this to her child. And for this I will never forgive him.